Thursday, October 21, 2010

Learning Blog 7

Whew! Done. Finally! What a busy week. Between the website and the table talk I did a LOT of work for this class in the last couple weeks.

I'm ready for the table talk and hoping I don't have TOO much to talk about :)

My "simple" website is basically done. I don't have all of my content done, but enough to meet the simple website requirements for this week. It's pretty time consuming to write up the lessons and exercises...but I'll definitely have everything completed by the final due date! I'm sure some editing and revising will need to be done, as well.

My "ah-ha" moments this week all had to do with CSS. I have to admit, CSS almost out-smarted me a few times, but I managed to get things worked out the way I want them (for now). When I originally planned my site with the left-side navigation bar, I didn't think about how I would get my content into the center of the page without using the old "(center)" tag. So...I flipped through the textbook until I found the chapter on creating "(div)"s. It was certainly a learning experience! But I feel like I have a good intro understanding of how CSS works.

What I learned about webdesign this week...that it is VERY time consuming!! I spent about 4 hours last night making sure all the links on all the pages were valid, then uploading and validating all the pages as XHTML. This is in addition to the 3 or 4 hours I spent on Sunday figuring out how to create my sidebar with CSS.
It's all very detail-oriented work! I have a lot of respect for professional web-designers!

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